Honeymoon in Floating Cottages- TRIPENTICER
The floating cottages definitely a unique experience. Make Your Honeymoon in floating cottages of Poovar , Kovalam. The location itself entice your Honeymoon, the greenish plantation in front of the hotel, swimming pool, floating cottages, etc.
The floating cottages are done in wood, and the best part of the cottage remains the balcony which opens to backwaters.
Tripenticer offers a wide variety of #Kerala&SouthIndiaPackages. Bedget category to Luxury Packages are available.
Book your Honeymoon Packages with TRIPENTICER. Our #KeralaHoneymoonConsultant ,will help you to plan an excellent
#KeralaHoneymoonPackage for you.
Get in Touch - Google Allo / WhatsApp- call - 09961466495, 09142311171, keralaholiday@yahoo.com